Modelling Workflows

At the core of modelling lies the art to capture the most important features of a system and leave all others out. kmcos is designed around the fact that modelling is a creative and iterative process.

A typical type of approach for modelling could be:

  1. start with educated guess
  2. calculate outcome
  3. compare various observables and qualitative behavior with reference system
  4. adapt model, goto 2. or publish model

So while this procedure is quite generic it may help to illustrate that the chances to find and capture the relevant features of a system are enhanced if the trial/learn loop is as short as possible.

kMC Modeling

A good way to define a model is to use a paper and pencil to draw your lattice, choose the species that you will need, draw each process and write down an expression for each rate constant, and finally fix all energy barriers and external parameters that you will need. Putting a model prepared like this into a computer is a simple exercise. You enter a new model by filling in

  • meta information
  • lattice
  • species
  • parameters
  • processes

in roughly this order or open an existing one by opening a kMC XML file.

If you want to see the model run kmcos export <xml-file> and you will get a subfolder with a self-contained Fortran90 code, which solves the model. If all necessary dependencies are installed you can simply run kmcos view in the export folder.

kmcos workflows

Since kmcos has several entry points, there are several ways of using it. This section will outline different ways of using kmcos:

  • the render script

    Just write complete scripts as outlined in A first kMC Model–the API way. Export source from there or inspect XML file with one of the next methods below.

  • kmcos edit, the model GUI editor (deprecated)

    Open an existing project *.xml file with

    kmcos edit <project_name>.xml

    and inspect or edit it through on screen

  • the CLI editor

    Open an existing project *.xml file with

    kmcos import <project_name>.xml

    and edit the project interactively on the ipython console.

  • edit the XML file

    Just open the XML file of your kmcos project with a text editor of your choice and inspect or your model right there. This might only be a last resort to figure out what is going on. XML is often not considered very readable and note that changing variable names in one place might often break inconsistencies in other.